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High-end apartmentEducationInvestment
The Queen's Square project is Fuli's elaborate British debut, with a total face of 114000 m , at the core of Croyden's only region. Queen's Square, which integrates high-end housing, art space and block commerce, is a key government planning project. Hyde Park No. 1 landscape design team Gillespies, together with the well-known architectural design organization Aedas project design, to create high-end residential products, collection of fitness, Wework and multi-level, multi-agent public greening landscape, to provide the highest end of the regional residential experience. From Queen Fuli Square, 5 minutes walk to East Croydon Railway Station, and Westfield shopping mall and other leisure facilities a street away. Surrounded by City Hall, Queen's Park, Concert Hall and Croydon College, it is an area of leisure, entertainment and commuting resources. The project is divided into two phases, the first phase of a 28-story high-end hardcover housing, the right to use: 99, is now in hot sale.
Room 1002, Fuli center, 10 Huaxia road, Zhujiang new city, Tianhe district, Guangzhou.
Room 1702, Block 2, Xingye Taikohui Hong Kong Industrial Center, 288 Shimen Road, Jingan District, Shanghai.
R&F UK Exhibition Hall, 1st Floor, R&F Center, 63 East Third Ring Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.
9 St George’s Walk, Croydon CR0 1YH
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